Salvation Army Blanket Drive for Homeless Launched at Fed Square


Salvation Army and Fed Square

The Salvation Army and Fed Square have launched a blanket drive for Melbourne's homeless to coincide with The Light In Winter at Fed Square. 


Marley presents her blanket to Major Brendan Nottle for the blanket drive

Major Brendan Nottle, Commanding Officer of The Salvation Army in Melbourne joined with Fed Square this morning to officially launch the program which will culminate with a special event called Reading in Bed on Friday at 5.30pm, where Melbournians are invited to bring a book, a torch and a blanket to take part in a mass read-in.

Young two and a half year old Marley with her Teddy Bear and blanket helped Major Brendan Nottle, and a number of others in pyjamas officially launch the call for blankets.

Major Nottle said, "winter in Melbourne with temperatures as low as one degree is one of the most dangerous times for homeless people with several hundred each night having no safe shelter, with many sleeping rough."

"We welcome the partnership with Fed Square through its Light In Winter program to shine some warmth in this area through the collection of blankets and continue to highlight the issue and struggles of the homeless."

"The contrast of being snuggled in bed on a winter's night with a good book to being on the street with no shelter presents a stark and chilling contrast to promote the Salvation Army and Fed Square blanket drive."

Major Nottle said blankets were one of the items in most demand during winter.

Jane Sydenham-Clarke from Fed Square said, "Reading in Bed is both a tribute to the pleasures of reading in bed and fantastic way of supporting The Salvation Army. We are inviting people of all ages to bring down a favourite book, a light to read with and something warm to leave behind for those less fortunate."

Reading in Bed on Friday at 5.30pm, will also feature storytelling with Australian children's author, Alison Lester and chilled DJ tunes.

Media Enquiries:
Ron Smith, Corporate Media Communications, Fed Square - Mobile: 0417 329 201