Media Release


Scientific Expeditions the new travel frontier - Penguins attend Earthwatch 40th Birthday



People of all ages are bypassing the normal tourism trappings of classy hotels with turned down sheets, chocolates on the pillow, large swimming pools and poolside bars to be part of scientific expeditions according to Earthwatch Australia.

Read more: Scientific Expeditions the new travel frontier - Penguins attend Earthwatch 40th Birthday


Royal Wedding Charity Nomination a top 40th birthday present



Earthwatch is celebrating its 40th birthday and has been nominated as one of the charities by Prince William and Kate Middleton for their royal wedding.  

Read more: Royal Wedding Charity Nomination a top 40th birthday present


Queensland Flood Rubbish Threatens Marine Turtles with Painful Death



The massive amount of rubbish dumped into the ocean during the Queensland floods has increased the risk to the marine turtles of the Queensland coast, according to the head of the Earthwatch Institute (Australia) funded 'Turtles in Trouble' research project.

Read more: Queensland Flood Rubbish Threatens Marine Turtles with Painful Death


Bandicoots Near Extinct at North Head



It's estimated that there are only 80 long-nosed bandicoots remaining in the area.

Read more: Bandicoots Near Extinct at North Head


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