Media Release
Wednesday, 29 June 2011 14:23
Peter Kolliner OAM, Gallery Director, together with management and staff at Kirra Galleries is delighted to invite you to an exhibition titled 'A Natural World' featuring the work of Miki Kubo and Amanda Louden.
This long awaited exhibition brings together two extraordinary glass artists with much in common. Miki and Amanda are both respected glass blowers and makers who share a passion for nature. They both possess exceptional drafting and engraving skills and they use their art glass as a canvas to express their observances and love for a natural world.
"When I choose a subject for my art, I find and connect with a spark in it - a glimpse of its perfection and purity that it reveals to me. When I engrave an animal, it is a portrait of that animal. Every individual animal is its own spirit. Each piece I make is an individual portrait of that animal, of that spirit."
Miki Kubo.
"Why do I do what I do? Simply, I thought it would look nice. My enjoyment of the Australian bush is most definitely my inspiration and being able to promote some of the incredible range of species out there is a joy. I like the idea of showing a natural world in a permanent form and I do love working with glass."
Amanda Louden.
The exhibition will be opened by internationally renowned Australian glass artist, Brian Hirst.
Opening Thursday 7 July 2011
7 July 2011 - 31 July 2011
'A Natural World' Exhibition
Kirra Galleries, Federation Square
(enter via Atrium)
Daisy by Miki Kubo
Tulip by Miki Kubo
Chatter by Miki Kubo
Octopuses by Amanda Louden
Eremophila maculata by Amanda Louden
Daisy by Amanda Louden
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Kirra Galleries
Federation Square (enter via Atrium)
Cnr Swanston & Flinders Streets Melbourne.
Phone: +613 9639 6388
Fax: +613 9639 8522
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Opening hours: Monday - Sunday 10.00am-6.00pm