Television Tip Over Danger for Children



Kidsafe Victoria today issued a red alert on the danger of television TIP OVERS following the death of a five year old boy yesterday. The boy died after a television set fell on him at his home in Collie, in the southwest of Western Australia.


Robert Caulfield, President Kidsafe Victoria said, "Modern, large, slim line plasma televisions are easy to tip over, as they are heavy with sharp corners and can cause serious injuries to young children".

"In many homes, these televisions stand on low modern cabinets within easy reach of small children."

Kidsafe recommends the use of a stand specifically designed for the television as recommended by the manufacturer, or place the television on sturdy furniture - a television cabinet appropriate for its size.

Mr Caulfield said, "Make sure both the stand and television are appropriately secured to the wall or the stand and that the television is pushed as far back on the stand as possible, out of a child's reach."

Mr Caulfield said anybody purchasing a large television should consider purchasing products that secure large screen televisions at the same time.

Media Enquiries:
Ron Smith, Corporate Media Communications, Kidsafe Victoria - Mobile: 0417 329 201