Kidney Kar Rally Great Success





Kidney Kar Rally Great Success
24 August 2009
The 21st Kidney Health Australia Kidney Kar Rally was an outstanding success.  The Rally raised in excess of $500,000.
Kidney Health Australia wishes to thank all of the teams who participated in the Kidney Kar Rally and the sponsors and supporters of the teams.

Kidney Kar Rally Myrtleford to Temora 

KAR 13

When the going gets tough, the tough get a 4WD. Nothing stood in the way of KAR 13 and it's crew as they negotiated the Victorian countryside in the 2009 Kidney Kar Rally.


KAR 808
KAR 808 seems to rise above most when it comes the 2009 Kidney Kar Rally. Piloted by the duo of Roxanne Cross and Melinda Garland, the pair found the early stages of Wednesday easy going.

KAR 500
Kar 500, driven by Brian Wallace and John Druce,  didn't have any time to stop and admire the fantastic views, late on day 5 of the 2009 Kidney Kar Rally.
Kidney Kar Rally Temora to Gilgandra  

KAR 89
The Evo III of 'HR Puff n Stuff' found the loose surfaces between Temora and Gilgandra easy going on the second last day of the 2009 Kidney Kar Rally. 
KAR 44:
KAR 44 from Mudgee found the open country roads more to their liking as the rocketed from Temora to Gilgandra during the 2009 Kidney Kar Rally.

Even road directors sometimes find themselves being part of the flock at times, as Arthur and Kim Davis found out during the 2009 Kidney Kar Rally. 


The Temora Air Museum was only too willing to help when approached by the Kidney Kar Rally team for a chance to get some images with one of only 2 flying Spitfires in Australia. A large thanks go out to the Krews for posing, and the Museum for entrusting the Kidney Kar Rally with a $4,000,000 aircraft! 

KKR Virgins:
Many of the first time krews were present for a photo of the 'KKR Virgins' at the Temora Memorial Club. First time 'krews'are presented with a 1 year badge, hopefully the first of many. This year saw some 51 first time entrants. 
Kidney Kar Rally Gilgandra to Muswellbrook

KAR 308:
Kar 308 finds the going fast and easy on the final day of the 2009 Kidney Kar Rally. 

Kar 48 negotiates the dusty roads of the NSW Central West between Gilgandra and Musswellbrook on the final day of competition of the 2009 Kidney Kar Rally.

The hard working officials of the 2009 Kidney Kar Rally, without whom, the event could not take place, pose for a photo at the dinner to celebrate another successful event. 

Overall Winners
Overall Winners of the 2009 Kidney Kar Rally, Grahame McKay and Peter Middlemiss with Anne Wilson CEO Kidney Health Australia following the announcement that they had, once again, won the Kidney Kar Rally.      
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