Community Involvement with Science a Powerful Key to Understanding Climate Change



"You can look at plenty of satellite pictures and see change in them, but until you get on the ground- in some cases down on your hands and knees - you can't fundamentally understand what climate change is all about."..... Brian Rosborough 

Brian Rosborough   

"An international effort by Governments to link their communities with scientific research into the impact of Climate Change would improve the quality of discussion and policies", said the founding chairman of Earthwatch Institute Brian Rosborough today.

Since 1971 Earthwatch internationally through 100,000 global supporters, volunteers, scientists and educators have committed nearly 11 million hours to conservation research - equal to more than 5,000 years of work.

Mr Rosborough is in Australia to celebrate Earthwatch Australia's 40th Birthday on August 10th in Melbourne which is being used to raise funds for Ocean Research.

An internationally recognised visionary on promoting scientific research to track changes in the climate for over four decades Mr Rosborough said, "community involvement with scientific research was one of the most powerful keys to progress the international climate change conversation".

"Simply put, the community will be affected by climate change, the community will need to take action, and the community needs to understand why action is necessary."

"It is also vital for governments to have an informed community if they want the community to support policies aimed at protecting the environment for future generations."

"Whilst there may be different approaches and policies to deal with climate change the science and research is a fundamental cornerstone of success for the future".

Richard Gilmore, Earthwatch Australia's Executive Director says "innovations introduced by Earthwatch to have teachers join expeditions and then communicate with students in the classroom via the internet, has enormous potential to take scientific research into climate change to both the classroom and directly to the general community."

Mr Rosborough said, "Earthwatch's unique model of offering volunteers the opportunity to join research teams around the world is creating a systematic change in how the public views science and its role in environmental sustainability.

"If people get involved in solving problems, they usually end up owning the problems, and problems that are owned get solved first."

Today, internationally Earthwatch recruits close to 4,000 volunteers every year to collect field data in the areas of rainforest ecology, wildlife conservation, marine science, archaeology, and much more.

Mr Rosborough said, "through this process, we educate, inspire, and involve a diversity of people, who actively contribute to conserving our planet".

Brian Rosborough The Australian Connection
Brian Rosborough has a significant history with Australia arriving with very few connections and little money to set up the Australian Earthwatch Institute some 30 years ago. He soon gathered a small but esteemed group of prominent Australians. That group included legendary names like Sir James Vernon, Sir Jack Crawford, Sir John Proud and Sir Laurence Muir, who along with the Myer and Darling families chose to take a gamble on an untried and unproven idea. Today Earthwatch Australia continues to grow.

Brian Rosborough Background
Brian Rosborough serves as a Member of Advisory Board of CMarket; Inc. and serves as a Trustee of Deerfield Academy.
He served as a special envoy to the United Nations, as well as serving on a wide variety of boards including Princeton University, the Fulbright Institute, Mt Holyoke College, the Rocky Mountain Institute, and numerous others.
Mr. Rosborough Founder Earthwatch Institute in 1971. Mr. Rosborough has been involved in social venture capital since leaving the investment banking business in 1971. Mr. Rosborough served as Director of EarthCare Co. since December 16,1998. He served as a Member of the Advisory Committee of CMarket, Inc.

Media Enquiries:
Ron Smith, Earthwatch - Mobile: 0417 329 201