Media Release

World Cancer Day: Personal Story Hits Big Screen at Fed Square


Federation Square

By 2030 Pancreatic Cancer will be Australia's Major Cancer Killer.

The personal story of 50 year old Ron Gibson from Ararat will be the focus of WORLD CANCER DAY in Melbourne when it hits the Big Screen at Federation Square this morning.
See the film now -

Ron Gibson

Ron and his wife Jan will attend the screening of the film being released by the Pancare Foundation as part of a campaign to lift awareness of the increase in pancreatic cancer set to become Australia's major Cancer Killer by 2030.

Sue Parkes, CEO of the Pancare Foundation said the inspirational film being screened with the support of Fed Square follows Ron through his diagnosis of pancreatic cancer, his treatment and his sense of hope throughout his cancer journey.

Cancer surgeon and researcher Dr Mehrdad Nikfarjam, said according to the recent Australian Institute of Health and Welfare report, the 5 year relative survival rate for Pancreatic Cancer has lifted to just 6.1%. ('Cancer in Australia - an overview 2014').

"However it is still far too low and we need to work to improve the survival rate for this highly active cancer," said Dr Nikfarjam.

On average, more than 130 Australians die every week from pancreatic, liver biliary and foregut cancer, most within three to six months of diagnosis.

Known as the 'silent' cancers, they're difficult to detect in their early stages and are very aggressive.

Background Information
Pancare Foundation

Film Release 10.00am 4 February 2015 Fed Square in Melbourne - Big Screen

Media Enquiries:
Ron Smith, Fed Square - Mobile: 0417 329 201